Improve Cricket Performance with Chiropractic
What you need to know

Injuries in Cricket
How to body Moves in Cricket
While the incidence of injuries is about the same, the prevalence of injuries has increased due to game format changes, increasing number of matches played, and decreased rest between matches. Bowling (41.3%), fielding, and wicket keeping (28.6%) account for most injuries. Bowlers who had bowled more than 20 match overs in the week leading up to a match had an increased risk of sustaining a bowling injury Acute injuries are most common (64%-76%), followed by acute-on-chronic (16%-22.8%) and chronic ones (8%-22%). Younger players (
How do you get injuries in Cricket
Although cricket is a noncontact sport, overuse and impact injuries are common since players engage in a wide range of physical activities, including running, throwing, batting, bowling, catching, jumping, and diving. Moreover, projectile injuries occur despite protection, since the 5.5-ounce hard ball is bowled at the batsman at speeds of up to 160 km/h and can bounce off the pitch in an erratic fashion or swing through the air. Different injures occur based on the different types of onset sudden-onset noncontact injuries can include: anterior cruciate ligament [ACL] tear during knee twisting while fielding, ankle sprain during bowling run-up, rectus tear during sudden evasive action during batting) Or it could be an impact injury mallet finger during catching, fractured rib due to player collision during fielding, gradual onset associated with bowling/running/throwing/batting practice/weight-training (eg, gradual onset low back pain in fast bowlers secondary to lumbar pars stress fracture) insidious (gradual and no identifiable mode of onset) (eg, anterior knee pain secondary to patella-femoral chondral degeneration in bowlers, posterosuperior shoulder pain during overhead throwing secondary to superior labral anteroposterior [SLAP] lesions) To learn more about these , check out our injuries section in sports chiropractic where it is explained in detail how you can avoid and manage these conditions

Lower Limb Injuries in Cricket
Lower Limb Injuries in cricket Lower limb injuries form nearly 49.8% of injuries, followed by back injuries (22.8%), upper limb injuries (23.3%), and neck injuries (4.1%). Hamstring and quadriceps strains formed the majority of lower limb injuries sustained primarily during bowling and fielding. To limit your chances of sustaining injuries , Chiropractors do an in depth analysis of your muscle and spinal hygiene and offer treatments like shockwave therapy, massage, dry needling and spinal adjustments to make sure your body is ready for game day. Lumbar Disc Degeneration As many as 61% of fast bowlers have been reported to have abnormalities of the intervertebral disc seen on MRI, with 33% having severe lumbar disc degeneration. The majority of degenerative discs were found at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels. Lumbar spine injuries in fast bowlers account for the greatest missed playing time in cricket. This is why receiving Chiropractic care for the lumbar spine muscle and spinal hygiene is essential The posterior muscles within the lumbopelvic region appear to play a prominent role during the bowling action, specifically when compressive and shear forces are high. That’s why at health wise Chiropractic we focus on lumbar spine range of motion and posture to enhance performance Hamstring Hamstring strain has emerged from being one of many common injuries a decade ago to being the most common injury in the sport at the elite level. This is presumably in association with the rise of T20 cricket In addition, other modifiable factors postulated are inadequate warm-up, fatigue during play, inadequate flexibility, low back injury, and strength imbalance between hamstrings and quadriceps Most hamstring and abdominal strains occur on the nonbowling side, and most quadriceps and calf strains occur on the bowling side Quadriceps Fielding, bowling, and batting regularly require sudden forceful eccentric contraction of the quadriceps during regulation of knee flexion and hip extension. Higher forces across the muscle-tendon units with eccentric contraction can lead to strain injury. Excessive passive stretching or activation of a maximally stretched muscle can also cause strain. The rectus femoris is the most frequently injured component of the quadriceps and the strain is classically at the distal musculotendinous junction, midportion, or the proximal insertion Knee The most common knee problems in cricketers, especially fast bowlers, are related to workload and include patellar tendinopathy, chondral degeneration, and medial tibial or femoral stress fractures. As limited-overs matches are often decided by a few runs, fielders are regularly required to dive full length to stop a ball, resulting in an increasing number of acute knee and ankle injuries Foot and Ankle Epidemiologic studies of cricket injuries have reported that 11% of injuries affecting fast bowlers involve the foot and ankle The forefoot is more prone to acute injuries during high peak sagittal moments during bowling whereas the hindfoot is more susceptible to overuse injuries and lateral ankle instability. Posterior ankle impingement is a common problem in cricketers and comprises a variety of conditions, including flexor hallucis tendinitis, peroneal tenosynovitis, intra-articular loose bodies, ankle synovitis, and os trigonum disorders. It usually affects fast bowlers on the contralateral side of bowling arm. Pain is only experienced during bowling in the back foot due to forced dorsiflexion during front-foot landing and not during running
Upper Limb Injuries in Cricket
Upper limb injuries in cricket Injuries to fingers primarily during batting and fielding predominate upper limb injuries (35.4%), and shoulder injuries (21.7%) occurred during throwing and bowling A study among English players found that 23% of players sustained a shoulder injury during a single season with 63% of fielders and 35% of bowlers reporting a negative impact on their performance. the majority of shoulder pain in cricket is secondary to tendinopathy (eg, rotator cuff, biceps) and more likely related to fielding, particularly throwing, than to bowling. Since fielding and bowling involve overhead throwing and abnormal torque across the shoulder joint, this activity is most at risk for shoulder injuries. Elbow Lateral epicondylitis is common in batsmen and is often caused by improper batting biomechanics or inappropriate equipment such as a heavy bat. The throwing mechanism adopted by both close-in fielders and fast bowlers is a whip-like motion of the arm, which places repetitive valgus strain on the elbow

Trunk Injuries in Cricket
Trunk Injuries Trunk injuries are relatively unique to cricket fast bowlers and comprise either side strains, lower rib periostitis, or posterior chest wall injuries. A side strain is an acute tear of the internal oblique muscle in pace bowlers involving the nonbowling arm side The osteochondral tips of the lower ribs can sometimes also sustain avulsion fractures. This results from the bowler’s nonbowling arm being pulled down from a position of maximum elevation with some lateral trunk flexion during the final delivery action