Activator Therapy @ Health Wise Chiropractic
Métode Aktivator ngagunakeun alat leutik anu dicekel ku panangan anu disebut Activator Adjusting Instrument pikeun nganteurkeun kakuatan dorongan anu hipu kana tulang tonggong kalayan tujuan mulangkeun gerak kana vertebrae atanapi gabungan tulang tonggong anu dituju.
Ieu mangrupikeun alternatif pikeun manipulasi tulang tonggong manual tradisional, anu katelah dorong amplitudo low-velocity (HVLA).
Kumaha jalanna?
Téhnik Chiropractic Métode Aktivator mangrupikeun jinis manipulasi anu dijelaskeun kieu:
Alat mékanis anu dicekel ku cinyusu anu disebut Activator Adjusting Instrument nyadiakeun dorongan gaya-rendah anu gancang dina titik-titik khusus.
Aya dua kauntungan téoritis tina perlakuan anu dibantuan ku instrumen Aktivator. Kahiji dumasar kana laju alat. Alatna gancang pisan sahingga otot-otot awak kurang kamungkinan kana tegang dina ngaréspon sareng nolak pangobatan.
Kurangna résistansi otot tiasa ngagampangkeun éféktivitas pangobatan.
Anu kadua nyaéta gaya anu diterapkeun sacara lokal sareng henteu nambihan torsi tambahan atanapi gerakan bending kana gabungan.
Upami anjeun hoyong inpormasi langkung seueur. Punten nelepon Health Wise Chiropractic 03 9467 7889 atanapi buku online pikeun ningali salah sahiji Chiropractors kami
3/21 Dornoch Girang Sunbury 3429
131 Wembley Ave Strathtulloh (Melton) 3338
It is an alternative to the traditional manual form of spinal manipulation, known as the high-velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust.
How does it work?
The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a type of manipulation described as follows:
A spring-loaded, hand-held mechanical instrument called the Activator Adjusting Instrument provides a quick, low-force impulse at specific points.
There are two theoretical advantages of an Activator instrument-assisted treatment. The first is based on the speed of the device. The instrument is so quick that the body's muscles are less likely to tense in response and resist the treatment.
The lack of muscle resistance may facilitate the treatment's effectiveness.
The second is that the applied force is localised and does not add any additional torque or bending movement to the joint.
If you want more information. Please call Health Wise Chiropractic 03 9467 7889 or book online to see one of our Chiropractors
3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury 3429
131 Wembley Ave Strathtulloh (Melton) 3338