Sleep Better with Chiropractic: Answers to the Top 3 Questions about Mattresses
What is the best type of mattress?
There is no definite answer as the research shows many different types of mattresses can be beneficial
There is a lot of new evidence showing adjustable air mattresses can be beneficial as well as memory foam
the number 1 NOT RECOMMENDED is of course a waterbed, it's up there with me saying no to people wearing heals or putting wallets in their back pockets

What firmness should the mattress be?
You don't have to have the firmest bed known to humans
More research is showing that a hard mattress that contact pressure increases which can lead to discomfort and health problems
A Medium to Firm mattress is best for back pain sufferers based on current research
A soft mattress, well, chuck it in the bin! a soft mattress is shown to increase cervical lordosis, leading to 49% higher disc loading
How often should you replace a mattress?
The international sleep research association found that most people replace their mattresses between 5 to 10 years
Unsure if yours needs replacing? Use the ruler test, If the ruler isn't laying straight and there is a dip, your mattress isn't supporting you at night!
We have been helping our community for over 10+ years with their muscle and spinal problems. Please call Health Wise Chiropractic at 03 9467 7889 or book online to see if one of our Chiropractors in Sunbury or Melton/Strathtulloh could do the same for you!
Chiropractic has moved online. We offer our online programs -STAND CORRECTED- To help you through the day.
They contain health advice for your conditions, nutritional advice, and exercises for you to do at home or at the workplace to help you achieve your health goals.
We understand that coming to the Chiropractic clinic may be costly and time-consuming.
This way if you can't make it into the chiropractic office, you can do any of our 20+ online health programs at your leisure.
Enjoy and we hope they spark a little bit of joy and help you achieve your health goals.
Each program contains
- Information about the conditions
- things to do and things to avoid
- nutrition advice
- all the stretches that are needed to help
The following conditions are now available for online sessions
cervicogenic headaches
cervical facet neck pain
tension headaches
cervical radiculopathy (pins and needles in the arm originating from the neck)
shoulder impingement relief
thoracic outlet syndrome
frozen shoulder
rotator cuff
chronic lumbar (Low Back) disc pain
acute Lumbar(low back) disc pain
Lumbar facet pain
sciatica and piriformis syndrome
meniscus (knee pain)
Plantar fasciitis (Foot Pain)
Shin Splints
Tennis Elbow/Golfers elbow
Carpal tunnel Syndrome
Upper Crossed Syndrome( Poor Posture)
Lower Crossed Syndrome ( Poor Posture)
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TMJ (Jaw Pain)