Why is BAD posture a problem?

Postural changes can cause an increase in the stress on your muscles, ligaments, joints and bone structures
MOST postural problems have their origin during the period of body growth and development ( AKA childhood and adolescence)
When we look at someone's posture, we look at the line of gravity to see if a part of the body is moving forward or behind the centre of gravity.
An anterior head for example can increase pressure on the shoulders and lead to headaches, shoulder pain and pins and needles down the arms and hands.
What is good posture?
This is defined as the alignment of the body with maximum physiological and biomechanical efficiencies
This MINIMISES the stress and overload suffered by the support system due to the effects of gravity
a balanced body protects body structures against injuries and deformities
Let's talk about what happens with bad posture- you develop Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)
Musculoskeletal disorders are permanent injuries or pain in the body that affect muscles, ligaments, joints, bones, nerves and spinal discs.
What are the symptoms of Musculoskeletal disorders?
joint stiffness
numbness in muscles
reduced mobility
functional impairment
How prevalent are musculoskeletal disorders?
worldwide, over 1 in 5, people have these muscle disorders, however, the youth are experiencing an alarming increase rate of muscle disorders
The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in university students ranges from 32.9% to 89.3%
Research in 2023 looked into students to see how many of them presented with postural problems, where 4 in 5 students tested positive for postural disorders
They looked into which regions of the body subsequently had the worst pain/posture. The most common areas are the Neck and lower back, followed by the shoulder and then the knees.
For more information about how we can help. Please call Health Wise Chiropractic 03 9467 7889 or book online to see one of our Chiropractors in Sunbury or Melton/Strathtulloh Today!
We are also really proud to offer our patients an APP for their Mobile- iPad. With access to your rehab exercises and our health tip blogs with over 500 articles.

Chiropractic has moved online. We offer our online program -STAND CORRECTED- To help you through the day.
We have over 30 programs on different health conditions
Each program contains - Information about the conditions - things to do and things to avoid - nutrition advice - all the stretches that are needed to help
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Dec; 20(24): 7191.
Published online 2023 Dec 17. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20247191
PMCID: PMC10743088
PMID: 38131742
Prevalence of Postural Changes and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Young Adults
Maria Paula Pacheco, Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Funding acquisition,1,* Paulo José Carvalho, Writing – review & editing, Supervision,2 Luís Cavalheiro, Methodology, Formal analysis, Supervision, Funding acquisition,1 and Filipa Manuel Sousa, Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – review & editing, Supervision3
Alfonso Ibañez Vera, Academic Editor, Daniel Rodríguez-Almagro, Academic Editor, and Raquel Fábrega-Cuadros, Academic Editor