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Lets Talk Dry Needling @ Health Wise Chiropractic 

Dry Needling uses single-use needles (the same as an acupuncture needle) to insert into muscles to assist with the release of myofascial trigger points. 

Dry needling can help with decreasing pain, improving the range of motion and function of the muscle 

What causes the myofascial trigger points: 

-Injury- from car accidents, sports incidents, and falls

-Unexpected movements 

-Quick Movements- Twisting the body quickly to avoid or look at something 

-Change in regular activity. Dr. Julian always is busy on a Monday after weekend warriors doing a year's worth of gardening or spring cleaning :P 

-Sustained postures. Prolonged sitting, study ( that's right students you have a right to whinge)

-Nerve impingement 


If you want more information. Please call Health Wise Chiropractic 03 9467 7889 or book online to see one of our Chiropractors


3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury 3429

131 Wembley Ave Strathtulloh (Melton) 3338

Dry Needling Blogs

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How to find us 

ميلتون / ستراتولوه مقوم العظام

131 ويمبلي الجادة

ستراتولوه- ميلتون

هاتف: 03 9467 7889

خارج ساعات العمل فقط

الحجوزات ضرورية

مقوم العظام سنبري

تسوق 3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury Vic 3429

هاتف: 039467 7889

ساعات العمل:

من الإثنين إلى الجمعة: 8.30 صباحًا - 1.00 مساءً ومن 2.30 مساءً إلى 6.30 مساءً

السبت: 7.30 صباحًا - 12.00 مساءً

الأحد: مغلق

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