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Shoulder Pain Relief @ Health Wise Chiropractic 

What is Shoulder Pain?

This year, a staggering 55% of the workforce is projected to experience shoulder pain, highlighting a significant health concern that affects a large segment of the population.


Shoulder pain can manifest in various forms, ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain that can hinder daily activities and overall quality of life.


It can originate from numerous causes, including injuries, overuse, or underlying medical conditions, and can impact individuals in diverse ways depending on their lifestyle, occupation, and physical health.


Common risk factors for shoulder pain include:

- Repetitive tasks: Engaging in repetitive motions, whether through occupational tasks or recreational activities, can lead to overuse injuries that strain the shoulder muscles and tendons.

- Prolonged static posture: Maintaining a static position for extended periods, such as sitting at a desk or holding a phone, can create imbalances and tension in the shoulder area, contributing to pain and discomfort.

- Stress: Psychological stress can manifest physically, leading to muscle tension and tightness in the shoulders, exacerbating existing pain or creating new issues.

- Spinal joint fixations: Misalignments or fixations in the spinal joints can affect the overall biomechanical function of the shoulder, leading to pain and reduced mobility.

- Tight muscles: Overly tight Muscles can restrict movement and contribute to pain in the shoulder region, often requiring targeted therapeutic interventions to alleviate discomfort.


Altered spinal curves can lead to rotator cuff issues and degenerative changes in both muscles and the spine.


The relationship between spinal alignment and shoulder health is crucial; when the spine is not in its optimal position, it can place undue stress on the shoulder joints, ligaments, and surrounding muscles, leading to a cascade of problems that can worsen over time if not addressed.


How Our Chiropractic Team Can Help You At Health Wise Chiropractic,


You can expect the following for your shoulder pain treatment: Our comprehensive approach begins with an initial assessment where we utilise advanced posture scan technology to evaluate your posture accurately.


This technology provides us with invaluable insights into your spinal alignment and any deviations that may contribute to your shoulder pain. We also conduct a thorough examination of the spine and joints, along with an assessment of muscle tightness or weakness, to identify specific areas that require attention. Following this detailed evaluation, we will proceed to adjust any fixated joints that may be contributing to your discomfort. Our chiropractic adjustments are aimed at restoring proper alignment and function, which can significantly alleviate pain and enhance mobility. Additionally, we employ trigger point therapy and massage techniques to address tight muscles, releasing tension and promoting relaxation in the affected areas.


Looking for more? We have over 600 published health blogs and a dedicated section on chiropractic care that covers more than 20 joint, muscle, and spinal conditions. Our resources also include nutrition advice and targeted muscle stretches designed to help you STAND CORRECTED. These educational materials are tailored to empower you with knowledge about your health and wellness, equipping you with strategies to manage and prevent shoulder pain effectively.

Shoulder Pain Relief can be found at our following Clinics 

Health Wise Chiropractic Sunbury 3/21 Dornoch Drive 

Health Wise Chiropractic  Strathtulloh (Melton) 131 Wembley Avenue Strathtulloh

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How to find us 

ميلتون / ستراتولوه مقوم العظام

131 ويمبلي الجادة

ستراتولوه- ميلتون

هاتف: 03 9467 7889

خارج ساعات العمل فقط

الحجوزات ضرورية

مقوم العظام سنبري

تسوق 3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury Vic 3429

هاتف: 039467 7889

ساعات العمل:

من الإثنين إلى الجمعة: 8.30 صباحًا - 1.00 مساءً ومن 2.30 مساءً إلى 6.30 مساءً

السبت: 7.30 صباحًا - 12.00 مساءً

الأحد: مغلق

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