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خطط رعاية بأسعار معقولة لتقويم العمود الفقري

Rewards Program flyer 2024

So How does it all work 

When you reach 10 points, we will email you the good news that you have received $20 off your next session for the month.

Then when you book online let the team know you are using your points 

How To Get Points 

We love being leaders in posture correction and delivering health care differently, now we are delivering on our promise to go further and provide more benefits to you and your family

- 1 point received for every Chiropractic  session

- 2 points for liking our Facebook/Instagram page

- 4 points for a Google review

- 4 points for downloading our mobile app

- 6 points for every new patient referral booked in

Rewards Program 

Terms and Conditions 


- Points do not expire 

- Points are counted for Chiropractic adjustments  

- Points are not counted for wellness membership visits 

- Points are not counted for  Gap Free sessions including Pro Bono, Bulk Billed, Tac, Workcover, DVA, and any other promotional price. 

  • once you have accumulated enough points, our team will email you a voucher and the voucher is valid for 30 days.


For more information, go to :

How to find us 

ميلتون / ستراتولوه مقوم العظام

131 ويمبلي الجادة

ستراتولوه- ميلتون

هاتف: 03 9467 7889

خارج ساعات العمل فقط

الحجوزات ضرورية

مقوم العظام سنبري

تسوق 3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury Vic 3429

هاتف: 039467 7889

ساعات العمل:

من الإثنين إلى الجمعة: 8.30 صباحًا - 1.00 مساءً ومن 2.30 مساءً إلى 6.30 مساءً

السبت: 7.30 صباحًا - 12.00 مساءً

الأحد: مغلق

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Massage Therapy Sunbury
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